famous radio personalities 1940s

From 1922 to 1925, Herbert Hoover, then secretary of commerce and in charge of radio policy, convened four national conferences, each of which petitioned Congress to replace the only existing (and obsolete) laws regarding broadcasting, which had been established in 1912 to regulate ship-to-shore transmissions. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. The most famous radio show was the Lux Radio Theater, which was performed live on stage in front of a studio audience. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. The most popular early network series by far was NBCs Amos n Andy, a daily 15-minute situation comedy in which two white men (Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll) acted the parts of two black operators of a taxicab company in Chicago. The network had 19 stations by the end of 1935; by the mid-1940s Mutual had more than 300 stations, more affiliates than either of its rivals. Movie attendance was down in the Depression and this was a popular way for the family to be entertained. The National Association of Broadcasters created standards of performance and objectivity that spawned discussion and that evolved throughout the rest of the twentieth century. Amos: You know, YOU wuz de one he tol' to milk de COW. It was a time when the airwaves were dominated by big personalities with loud voices. Corrections? remain connected to the public. The program changed names over the years as it was sponsored by different products, but Benny remained a household name as the protagonist of the show. . Famous Radio Personalities. Amos: I wuz sittin' yere dreamin' 'bout Chicago an' 'stead o' puttin' de milk in de bucket, I put half of it on de ground. My Favorite Husband is the name of an American radio program and network television series. Bandleader Ozzie Nelson, who later married his vocalist Harriet Hilliard, became a radio phenomenon in the 1930s and went on to become a television phenomenon in "Ozzie and Harriet.". Later a film and television star, Burns contributed greatly to the development of the early sitcom. The studio, however, was three hundred miles from the actual game. The less expensive radio model made radios a household item. The Golden Web: A History of Broadcasting in the United States, Volume II, 1933 to 1953. A band remote broadcast of Artie Shaw and his orchestra, with vocalists Helen Forrest and Tony Pastor, from the Blue Room of the Hotel Lincoln, New York City; airdate December 6, 1938. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1997. Programming was innovative and daring, with pioneers exploring new ways of making the medium of radio captivating. The Golden Age of American radio as a creative medium lasted, at best, from 1930 to 1955, with the true peak period being the 1940s. But that began what we called "personality radio." . ." The addition of two more frequencies, 619 kHz in December 1921 and 750 kHz in August 1922, helped somewhat, but most larger cities had far more than three stations and thus continued to use shared-time arrangements. Amos: He tol' you to milk de cowhe didn't tell me to do it. Mr. Riechman was the distributor for Majestic Radios and felt the future was in selling radios rather than in broadcasting. The decade started off in 1921 with just 5 radio stations in the country but ended with 606 stations. They could also employ elaborate sound effects and various other techniques that would play on the listeners' imaginations. The Radio Act of 1927 created a confusing array of federal agencies to oversee the growing industry. Many of the 1930s programs would set the standard for programming in all media for the rest of the century. To celebrate 40 years of . Early ads promoted an institutional image in a style later common to public radios underwriting announcements. After Hurt died of a heart attack in 1946, he was replaced by another white actor, Bob Corley, and the series was retitled The Beulah Show. A guy talking in an echo chamber sounding like Arnold Stang is "Eugor", some kind of an unconscious voice that gets mixed up in the episodes. In the 1930s music was the foundation of radio and America's favorite escape from the Depression. By the beginning of 1927, NBC had two networks, the Red and the Blue, which totaled 25 stations; more would join. For artists radio opened up a whole new medium to pursue their craft. famous radio personalities 1940s Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit Such creativity by non-whites and non-Protestants did not mesh well with the racist doctrines of the Nazis who preached the dominance of white society. At the time it was said that so many households listened to Jack Benny that you could walk the streets of small towns and not miss a word, as the sound of the program drifted through the open windows of each house. Pluggers were named for "plugging" or aggressively selling the idea of recording a publisher's music. The explosion of radio was both exhilarating and exhausting. Tens of millions of people listened to his weekly radio broadcasts. HYLAND: An innocent boy is going to die in one minute. The public found radio to be the most accessible form of entertainment and information available. Photo of Santos Ortega as Inspector Queen (father of Ellery), Hugh Marlowe as Ellery Queen and Marian Shockley as Ellery's asistant, Nikki, from the radio program The Adventures of Ellery Queen. The New Deal's Communications Act of 1934 survives largely intact. As censorship became stricter toward the end of the 1930s, the networks ruled that there could be no more jokes about nudity. Americans expected to learn about events quickly, and as television gained momentum later in the century, this expectation was carried into television broadcasting: viewers expected to see events virtually as they happened. Radio emerged as an important method of disseminating news during the 1930s. But acceptance of radio advertising was slow, as broadcasters did not want to offend listeners. Her distinctive, high-pitched voice also took people by surprise. and by a large number of people in other areas of the Western world. In response to the election, the Spanish military formed a military government, exiled the leaders of the group, and attempted to isolate the various local groups that supported the Popular Front. As his comments became increasingly political, his anti-Semitic (Jewish), pro-Hitler views became clear, and CBS dropped his program when his comments became too inflammatory. Radio was how America got its news and how it was entertained. Individual or local or state effort alone cannot protect us in 1937 any better than ten years ago. Walter Winchell was the most powerful and feared gossip columnist and radio commentator in America in the 1930s and 1940s: Mark Thompson: December 1, 1955: American: Mark Thompson is a well-known American radio personality: Daniel James . Men were often out of work, stressed by their situation, and maybe even on the road for long periods looking for job opportunities. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1998. Andy: Yere's de well right yere. The list consists of 665 members. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Please be aware, presenters aren't ranked in order. Radio was a burgeoning and competitive field. Body crumples) There; now he'll be quiet for a minute. Swing represented decadent America, and jazz was seen as antithetical to the purity of the Aryan race, which was a term for the non-Jewish white population. unfolding elsewhere by communities experiencing the same Depression-spawned problems as theirs. On November 15, 1926, NBC made its debut over 19 stations extending from the East Coast to Kansas City, Missouri. As early as 1939, Germany began hiring expatriate Americans to host radio programs aimed at deterring U.S. intervention in the war. In the past this approach had been successfulthe military had been able to convince the people that the rebellion was local and that it was futile to fight against the military, thereby discouraging action. The show, which began slowly and calmly at first, steadily built to a frantic pace, giving the impression of hours passing in minutes. "The Seventh Victim," an episode of the science-fiction series X Minus One, based on a short story by Robert Sheckley; airdate March 6, 1957. Disc jockey CHARLIEMATTOS CHARLIE MATTOS. "Too Many Problems," an episode of the situation comedy series Father Knows Best, starring Robert Young; airdate November 2, 1950. Amos: I know, but if Mister Hopkins ever see you goin' dat, he's li'ble to fire both of us. During the '50s the program was retooled into the Lux Video Theater for TV. In February 2017, she left "97.9 The Boxx" to focus on her non-profit I'm Me Foundation and write a book. Radio stars have had their place on the Hollywood Walk of Fame ever since its inception, right alongside recording artists, screen legends and television icons. Almost one-fourth of the nation normally listened to his fireside chats. Fireside Politics: Radio and Political Culture in the United States, 1920-1940, by Douglas B. Craig "Remembering the LadiesA Salute to the Women of Early Radio," by Donna L. Halper, "Popular Communications," January 1999. Major shifts in the United States' political and policy priorities were happening under President Roosevelt as he sought to lead the nation out of the Depression, and the radio played a key role in reporting these changes. Many had more leisure time on their hands, but less money to spend. It was on the roof of the original Riechman-Crosby Building at Beale and Front Street. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. BILLCOY BILLCODY BILL CODY. We ain't for no bizness puttin' water in de milk. The 1940s were a decade of tension and transition. In 1936 she donned her soon-to-be-famous sarong for her debut at Paramount, The Jungle Princess (1936), and . the insurgency was under control, but was soon countered by broadcasts calling for a general strike. Considerable interference resulted as operators shifted station frequency (and sometimes the transmitter location, by mounting it in a truck) in an attempt to obtain a clear signal. Programs during the Golden Age of Radio frequently took the name of their sponsors. He was known for his rhyming wordplay . . But when, almost two years later, it came before the Supreme Court its constitutionality was upheld only by a five-to-four vote. Many of the comic-strip-based programs that became popular radio shows during the Golden Age of Radio are still part of American culture at the start of the twenty-first century. In effect, four Justices ruled that the right under a private contract to exact a pound of flesh was more sacred than the main objectives of the Constitution to establish an enduring Nation. Ronald Reagan (served 19811989) became another president skilled at using mass media to charm the public and press while seeking to gain support for his programs. After tackling various pursuits in his young life, including time as a vaudevillian dancer, Winchell became a famous news commentator and gossipmonger, drawing millions of listeners during the Great Depression. In the age of the Depression with limited expense budgets, radio provided an economical way of reaching millions of people. Beulah was employed as a housekeeper and cook for the Henderson family: father Harry, mother Alice and son Donnie. "The Presidential Election," an episode of the comedy series Amos 'n' Andy, starring Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll; airdate July 17, 1928. Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953) Leader of Soviet Union 1924 - 1953. Political parties made great use of radio during the 1930s, much as they did television later in the century. A band remote broadcast of Benny Goodman and his orchestra, with vocalist Martha Tilton, from the Madhattan Room of the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City; airdate November 4, 1937. Listen to the radio news, watch television news, and read a newspaper all on the same day. NEIL: We'll have to move fast. They reflected national and local musical trends, exposed audiences to new music, and in some cases produced records and managed artists. These developments proved timely as the radio provided much entertainment and a source of information for the Depression public. Artists interviewed include Little Esther Phillips, Al Frazier, Mary Wells, Zola Taylor, the Coasters, Horace Silver . "Kitty Foyle," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring Ginger Rogers; airdate April 6, 1946. We've got it! The Saint .The longest-running radio incarnation was with Vincent Price, who played the character in a series between 1947 and 1951 on three networks: CBS, Mutual and NBC. The Adventures of Maisie (aka Maisie) was a radio comedy series starring Ann Sothern as underemployed entertainer Maisie Ravier, a spin-off of Sothern's successful 1939-1947 Maisie movie series. Lillian attended high school in Lapwai and went to college in Lewiston. Popular bandleaders including Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, and Tommy Dorsey and their jazz bands became nationally famous through their radio performances, and a host of other jazz musicians flourished as radio made the genre nationally popular (Wald . Productions were often broadcast during "prime time" evening hours so families could enjoy the shows together. Historic Events for Students: The Great Depression. LEXICARTER LEXI CARTER. The U.S. Congress became concerned that one company would control too much of the media in any one town. Jokes could not be reused as they could in live stage acts. Radio Voices: American Broadcasting, 19221952. 4. Died: June 1, 2003. New York: Great American Audio Corporation, 2000. His successor Harry Truman suffered from his abrupt Midwest behavior before the microphone, which contrasted sharply with Roosevelt's warm wit and charm. Article; Talk; English. Not everyone approved of the escapism of radio. Amos n Andy, a situation comedy, was the most popular show ever broadcast, lasting more than 30 years. Born Benjamin Kubelsky, comedian and musician Jack Benny became an American phenomenon. One of the most popular radio personalities of the 1950s was Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Similarly crime dramas were also popular, with shows like "Sherlock Holmes" and "The Green Hornet.". Here are 100 popular actresses who were very famous at some point during the golden era of Hollywood, the 1930's through the 1940's. They are not listed in any particular order. The fireside chats were crucial to unifying the country during a difficult time and set a standard for communications by future presidents. This was particularly true of the white unemployed who believed jobs, including those created by New Deal work relief programs, should first go to whites before black Americans. ), OPERATOR: (On filter) When you hear the signal the time will be eleven fifty-nine. Indeed, many objected to the commercialization of radio, among them Herbert Hoover, who said in 1924, I believe the quickest way to kill broadcasting would be to use it for direct advertising. Strong arguments were made opposing the invasion of peoples homes with commerce (although newspapers and magazines had done so for more than a century) on the grounds that it would lead to entertainment programs pitched to the mass audience, thereby limiting radios potential educational and social benefits. So when Gladys Hill, who was the first "Dizzy Lizzy," left Houston, I took her place as the second "Dizzy . . Later in the 1930s as Spain descended into civil war, radio became pivotal in rallying the forces opposing the military government. The FCC was created to regulate communication services and rates and license radio stations. Compare coverage of news events in the three media. Winchell is sometimes considered the father of tabloid reporting. An outstanding comedic duo, the show was a huge success providing many laughs to the American audiences during the Great Depression and later made the transition to television. Top 10 1940s Radio Programs 1940-41: The Jell-O Program. De man don' want no water in his milk.". Prime-Time: The Life of Edward R. Murrow. Although he was wary of television, he made the transition with See It Now the first television newsmagazine. The shift to television in the 1950s, however, had a major impact on radio. The Nickel and Dime Decade: American Popular Culture During the 1930s. "Amos 'n' Andy" creators Freeman Gosden and Charles Corell developed a complex world for their characterstwo black, Southern men newly transplanted to a Northern city. A master ad libber, Allen often tangled with his network's executives (and often barbed them on the air over the battles), while developing routines the style and substance of which influenced contemporaries and futures among comic talents, including Groucho Marx, Stan Freberg, Henry Morgan and Johnny Carson, but his fans also included President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and novelists William Faulkner, John Steinbeck and Herman Wouk (who began his career writing for Allen). Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 1998. The wide dissemination of incorrect or selectively chosen information could invite or reinforce opinions. Radio was the best buy for escape and information during hard times. In the United States, active broadcasting preceded firm government policy. Here is their schedule for September 21, 1939 (from Old-Time Radio. Historic Events for Students: The Great Depression. As they moved to radio and their show was broadcast all over the world they had the awesome task of creating new material for each show. Radio was fast becoming a way of life. Prestige anthology shows brought together writers such as Archibald MacLeish and Norman Corwin with actors from the legitimate stage such as Helen Hayes and Orson Welles, and film-based anthology shows such as The Lux Radio Theatre and Academy Award Theater featured movie stars of the day reading live radio versions of their motion-picture roles. Congress soon passed legislation that required diversity of ownership. In 1937 Welles became the voice of "The Shadow." "The First Radio War: Broadcasting in the Spanish Civil War, 19361939." . Winchell made his radio debut in 1930 over WABC in New York. The amazing growth of radio programming during the Depression established all of the major genres in television: dramas, comedies, variety shows, soap operas, talk shows, news commentary, and more. In 1936, however, radio transmitters reached most of the population of Spain. By Amie Tennant. As the world faced changes and challenges, radio was an integral part not only in reporting and commenting on the changes, but in some cases, in instigating them. These are some of the most famous black Radio DJs on the planet. Outside of the United States, the world was in a state of flux. In those days, it was easier to tune into a radio station in Chicago than in northern Michigan for Rock and Roll music. Selected discography The first, delivered on March 12, 1933, only eight days after Roosevelt took office, attracted more 17 million families. At Hoovers behest, most frequencies between 550 kHz and 1,350 kHz were turned over for broadcast use in May 1923. Comic strips had long provided a shared form of entertainment in America. 1930s radio created an environment for new expressions of cultural identity and cultural criticism. View More. The exceptional use of radio news broadcasting in the 1930s created the future expectation of immediacy of information. Nevertheless, by the end of the 1920s, radio was firmly established as an advertising medium, which in turn led to air times being sold in set blocks, determined by the length of the program. Besides singing, Denni. Born before the first commercial radio stations went on the air, Harvey fashioned a personality and career that spanned the medium's Golden Age, its postwar retreat into a pop jukebox and its later resurgence as the place for news and talk exactly what Harvey did for more than 75 years. WCCO Radio began broadcasting in Minneapolis in 1922 a from a hotel near Loring Park. By 1948, his program received higher ratings than Fred Allen or Jack Benny. They warned that children should be running and playing outside, not sitting inside being entertained by a box. The performers would have a set of gagsjokesthat they could perform night after night in venues all over the world. Isolationist beliefs, opposition to the United States entering the war, made even the mention of the possibility of war controversial, but the airing of the program resulted in a thousand favorable letters being sent to CBS. The conventional, amplitude modulation (AM) form of radio signal proved limiting in broadcasting, producing much static at times. The FCC took the place of the Federal Radio Commission and oversaw the telecommunications industry as well as broadcasting. Radio then morphed into radio formats . Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Encyclopedia.com. "On the Planet Mongo," an episode of the children's science-fiction series Flash Gordon; airdate April 27, 1935. The fireside chats allowed Americans to feel an intimacy with their president that few had felt beforePresident Roosevelt was in their living room, expressing his concerns, empathizing with their situation. Radio had given a voice to Americans' fears about the coming world war. Radio Days. Richar Diamond starring Dick Powell.First came Rogue's Gallery *where I know him from originally*in 1945-46. William S. Paley became president of the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) on September 25, 1928, two days before his 27th birthday, and he would lead the network for more than 60 years. Since most radio soap operas were only fifteen minutes long, many could run in one day. Programs became fixed in quarter-hour and half-hour blocks and featured a wide variety of formats. The Roman Catholic priest from the Detroit, Michigan area was broadcast throughout much of the 1930s. (Tone: Phone drops to floor). Rush Limbaugh is one of the most prominent conservative voices in the U.S. and has been for quite some time. Quiz Kids, a popular radio and TV series of the 1940s and 1950s, was created by Chicago public relations and advertising man Louis G. Cowan. In 1983 a television movie, "Special Bulletin" used the broadcast format to tell the fictional story of a nuclear explosion in South Carolina, and, despite regular disclaimers, caused some concern and panic. Approaches to news, commentary, and political persuasion were established during the early days of radio and were adapted to later media. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Born Nathan Birnbaum, comedian George Burns and his wife and comedic partner Gracie Allen, starred in the Burns and Allen Show on radio beginning in 1933. Some of the more creative radio talents functioned as their own producers, receiving a budget from the agency out of which they paid the supporting actors and crew. Key Facts. Butterfly McQueen's first role would become her most identifiable as Prissy, the young maid in Gone with the Wind, uttering the famous words: "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!" A few cities or states operated stations as government services. Radio offered a unique communal experience not so readily available in America before. A selection of shows from American radios Golden Age is presented in the table. Her first work on radio was with WOR in New York City where she hosted a show from 1934 to 1940. Through four decades,, Radio Address Roosevelt's Defense of the New Deal, Radio Broadcasting, Station Programming and, http://www.old-time.com/otrlogs/390921.html, https://www.encyclopedia.com/education/news-and-education-magazines/radio-1929-1941, Compare the growth in and uses of radio during the 1930s with the growth and use of. In 1937, she joined the CBS radio network and continued until 1941. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. They feared that the exchange of ideas and clash of opinions essential to democracy would be compromised. "A Star Is Born," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring Fredric March; airdate June 29, 1946. Jazz was FM was clearly superior in the quality of the broadcast.

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famous radio personalities 1940s

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