archangel haniel invocation

Archangel Haniel can also help you to awaken your psychic and spiritual abilities like energy healing, clairvoyance, intuition . The Angel to support you, give you confidence, make your mind extra sharp,, Read More Who is the Angel of Knowledge?Continue, Who is Archangel Chamuel? I lay up Gold as dust and the Gold of Ophir as the stones of the brooks. Imagine you are on the desert island, and a million dollars fall off the sky on you. Haniel is a master of the lessons of polarity and duality and of synchronicity, who brings together . (2021, September 7). The Moonstone is the representative crystal of Archangel Haniel it has the connection of the sun and has a turquoise tone. : ; who is still alive from gomer pyle; archangel haniel prayer for love need to calm your menstrual pain? And in 5 minutes your order is on the tray in front of you. Invoke this magnificent Archangel to help you turn your life around in a mysterious way, to experience a miracle, for things to unfold for you like magic. There are many different visual descriptions written about Archangel Haniels appearance in books and online media. You remember he is an Angel of Expansion. Archangel Haniel. She is also known as the archangel of divine communication. Call on beautiful white and light blue Archangel Leeanna, the Angel of Gratitude, every day to keep your heart thankful. Learn Religions. This Archangel Documentary Uncovers the Intriguing Story of Haniel, His Role, Colors and Symbols.Enjoy the Video. Haniel may be encouraging you when you derive special joy from doing a particular activity, say believers. It helps to develop our unique individuality. Now lets look at a standard invocation of Archangel Haniel. Archangel Jophiel is the angel of beauty and wisdom. Whenever you have a job interview, an important meeting, or you are giving a presentation, you can depend on the help of Archangel Haniel. Your intuition has the ability to keep you away from danger and catastrophe and alert you to great opportunities and windfalls. My birth name is Arica (close resemblance to Aniel) my favorite color has always oddly enough been teal/turquoise which is exactly the color that Haniel shines. Specifically, in the case of invoking archangel Haniel, it is important to have crystals or items of turquoise color. Haniel reminds us that we all innately possess intuitive/psychic abilities. And living on Earth, I often cant help to fall into a trap of negative emotions and feelings. Thanks for this additional knowledge I ve gained. . Submerged, Read More 15 Ways Angels communicate with youContinue, Whether you call it a stone, a beast, a tree, a man, a demon or the Divine everything is the same energy, manifesting itself in a million different ways. I really enjoy reading your article am from Ghana. I appeal in the female form in this lifetime but I live more of a masculine lifestyle. Thank you for guiding my words, actions, and mannerisms and helping me to enjoy myself, while . While often depicted as feminine, Archangel Haniel is still a strong protector of our souls. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. becky ending explained. If you are interested in living an open, love-filled life, make a spiritual connection with Archangel Haniel. Thousands of people find clarity every month by talking to psychic readers. When you need help in overcoming a conflict with a friend or in your relationship, call upon Archangel Raguel for assistance! And here is the other book I really loved about money. [1] Various works of Christian theology have devised hierarchies of angelic beings. Questi Codici Numerici Sacri o Codici Guarigione s stati recentemente canalizzati s missaghji trasmessi da diversi maestri ascendenti; Mamma Maria, Mamma Divina Shekinah, Arcangeli Raffaele, Jophiel, Michele, Uriel, Ghjuvanni l'Amato, etc. How to Recognize Archangel Haniel. Then your teens, adolescence, adulthood experience. He may also be known as Aniel, Hamiel, Anafiel or Anael. You just need to follow carefully all that we already told you, which includes preparing yourself and your meditation environment. His element is Water, the day of the week Thursday, and the planet is Jupiter, the planet of expansion. This is where you can open your heart and focus to enter a state of consciousness. Assemble the angel properties and put them in a safe place since they will work as a point of touch with the angel. Yes, sometimes the Guides suggest, and the Soul agrees that it is the best course for that life. The prayer is pretty basic but powerful. The name Jophiel literally means 'beauty of God.'. This person might agree to a condition in his next Life Contract to be in the poor persons shoes and develop kindness and understanding. Here is a 15 minute meditation to introduce you to Archangel Haniel. grace of god; Coptic: ; Arabic: , 'Anya'il) is an angel, often included in the seven archangels. Ohr-ree-ehl. infiniti qx80 indicator lights. Whenever we see a turquoise light, it is said to be a sign that Archangel Haniel is near. Peter Vermeeren on 11/05/2019. Hopler, Whitney. Spirit World is amazing and creative, finding ways to talk to us, human beings. If you purchase anything through one of these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Jan 18, 2019 - Archangel Raziel is the closest angel to God. Money and abundance will start to bless your life in ever-increasing quantities. Archaeon Haniel is Chief of the Virtues and Chief of the Principalities. She is the author of the book "Wake Up to Wonder.". But the trouble is you have no clue about them. All that is required of you is to read the pdf instructions included, and listen along to the meditation. Archangel Raziel is the Angel of Magic, Mystery, and Miracles. You can only make prayer by thinking or saying. Associated with the element Earth, Ohr-ree-ehl wares robes in earth tones: blacks, browns, and greens. Archangel Haniel: Her name means "Joy of God/Source".Color - Turquoise/Blue, all elements. If youre new to the world of meditation and prayer, and if you have a genuine interest in Guardian Angels and Archangels, we have prepared a gift for you. Im so very grateful for this Archangels presence in my life! I am willing to move beyond fear in order to fulfill Gods plan on Earth and beyond. " Archangel Haniel angel of love and intuition I ask that you join me today as I read for {person's name}keep me connected , shine your light upon this reading for clarity and aid me with my channeling. Haniel's name means 'Glory of God' Haniel helps us to recover lost secrets of natural healing remedies. Turquoise is a very important color regarding Archangel Haniel as its the color of her aura. Haniel encourages us to stop searching for fulfillment outside of ourselves, instead bringing us within, to explore trust, confidence and wonderment in the adventure that is our lives. This should be repeated every day for thirty days. And Angels will roll their sleeves up and work side by side with you, but only if you ask them. Here is a way that we can harness the cycles of the moon and the assistance of Archangel Haniel for our personal spiritual growth: As the archangel of divine communication and clear perception, Haniel has the divine authority to assist us in reaching our fullest potential and fulfilling our souls purpose. Ask Archangel Chamuel, the beautiful shiny pink Angel of Love, to fill every minute of your life with Love to keep your vibrations high. (This is explained more fully on the Glossary page.) The archangels who are assigned to me are Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Haniel. She helps you to see and appreciate the beauty around you and create the exquisitely beautiful world of Abundance for yourself. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Archangel Haniel is one of the mystic Archangels mentioned in theKabbalahand ancient Judaic texts likeArchangel MetatronandArchangel Sandalphon. Learn Religions, Sep. 7, 2021, I have found that poverty is very seldom written in peoples Life Contracts. The full moon is a time of release. She is the Guardian of "The Law of Grace" located in the Inner Earth/United Kingdom. Hi - I'm Eugene! It is best to take advantage of this connection during the phases of the moon, so make sure you coordinate your meditation sessions towards this archangel with the moon phases. !.IRINA, just came upon your site by pure chance.Just yesterday l asked the Infinite spirit a guide to a long standing challenge and pop here is irina wonderful writing-up that seem to give the answers.Please accept my warm regards and love for such a profound work. Dear Archangel Raziel, you see that I am stuck and losing hope. Alternatively, I offer FREE readings through Facebook Live at 8PM EST Every Wednesday. Note that I have studiously avoided referring to any of the Archangels as "he" or "she.". When we connect with archangels, it is important to remember that they should only be invoked for serious matters that we cannot handle on our own. Haniel's turquoise light signifies clear perception, writes Raven in "The Angel Bible": "Turquoise is a balanced blend of green and blue. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Green Angel Prayer Candle for Healing and Prosperity, Angel Colors: The Light Rays of Archangels, Archangel Metatron's Cube in Sacred Geometry, Signs and Messages From Animals in the Afterlife, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Ariel, Encyclopedia of Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters, The Angel Bible: The Definitive Guide to Angel Wisdom, Birth Angels: Fulfilling Your Life Purpose With the 72 Angels of the Kabbalah. His help can be called for with the following invocation-prayer: " By the name of God Almighty and All Loving, Yod-He-Vau-he Tzabaoth, I call thee Haniel, archangel of divine love, to drawn into the sea of Creator's eternal love, Here nad Now. Contributed by our Master Teacher Meghaa Gupta. We all wish to see it as a powerful and swift stream carrying tons of Money, Prosperity, and Abundance into our life. As we have mentioned repeatedly, Archangel Haniel has a strong connection with the moon. And Archangel Jeremiel is the man for the job. We dont need money for the sake of money. - Poise, balance and harmony. If you want to uncover what has been encoded in your destiny when you were born, theres a free, personalized numerology report you can grab here. Only peoples starting position in life differs. Please, help me to deal with fear, worries, and anxiety, clouding my aura and my vision. Discovering Something You Especially Enjoy Doing. It is a book that talks about the Tree of Life which consistsof 10 Sephirots each Sephirot is a branch of the Tree of Life and they are managed bydifferent archangels, one of those is Archangel Haniel. The amazing and less talked about Archangel Haniel can help you cleanse your energy, get rid of dark emotions, depression, anxiety, and fear. I didnt understand what my intuition really meant, or how, when or why I was receiving it. Beloved Archangel Barachiel, grace my life with your presence and let me feel your Blessings and Good Luck every day. Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door Also, it is important to include oils during your sessions. Others see her as an angelic being with feathered wings and a glowing light surrounding her. Ask him to bless every day with his presence. Haniel's signature way of communicating with people is by giving them a fresh sense of joy within their souls, believers say. Sign up today! Dear Archangel Samritiel, hold my hand and enroll me into your school of Manifestation. Apart from Angels, helping you to lead a happy and rich life, I want to mention two Prayers for Money and Wealth. Help me to build the World of Happiness, Joy, and Abundance for myself and others on the Earth. Archangel Michael is considered to be the leader of the Archangels and is God's chosen warrior angel. Let's explore these awesome worlds together! Whenever you feel that you cannot move ahead from past hurts or have trouble forgiving someone, ask Archangel Zadkiel to assist you in developing compassion and forgiveness. When called upon, Archangel Haniel will cleanse and transmit all worry and lower vibrations back into love with her blue orb of healing light. First, ask Archangel Michael to cut all the cords of negative attachments, stretching out to you from your previous lives, with his sword of Truth: Beloved Archangel Michael, please, cut the cords still pumping up the gunk and dirt from my previous lives into this life. Or probably you want to increase the flame of your romantic life, whatever is the reason make sure to describe it carefully to Haniel}. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Anael is usually associated with the planet Venus, similar to Aphrodite and Ishtar. Posted on 07/17/2016 by EraOfLight. To help you attract true love. Through visions, synchronicities, and deep personal revelations, Archangel Haniel will provide you with the guidance you need to fulfill your unique purpose on Earth. Upset, guilt, shame, anger, despair, jealousy. Riches and Honor are with me, durable Riches and righteousness. Often people start connecting with Him and feel His protective presence when they begin to connect with Angels. Want to know which Archangels are assisting YOU? I will try it when it goes well with you let you know. You might think that there is a, Read More How to invoke Angels for helpContinue, If you or your children study, the exams can be a stressful time. Haniel means Grace of God or Joy of God. I woke up feeling what I now know to be high on my bunk bed. Are you interested in Archangel Haniel? que estoy protegido y que puedo distinguir mis sentimientos de los de los dems gente. When you were a Soul between two lives and before your re-birth, you attended a series of negotiation meetings with your Guides, Angels, and other Souls that would potentially play a role in your future life. So, we will clear it and get rid of all that rubbish. Previous bad experience with money leaves energetic debris behind, and you keep carrying this energetic luggage. She introduced me to a powerful Life Coach who showed me that I wasnt wrong for being different than most, and guided me to embrace who I am and how I tick! is the Archangel of the North. Who is Archangel Haniel and What is His Role? Ohr-ree-ehl holds a sheaf of grains. Please, bless my life with your Divine touch. Thank you for elevating my level of consciousness but not only that, thanks for guiding mywords, deeds and behavior and for showing me the energy of joy and happiness with your presence. The other very high hierarchy Angel, his energy is magenta-colored, consisting of bright pink and electric blue. She is also the archangel of Sephirah . But in reality, your river of Abundance is full of rubbish and big boulders, blocking it. The book is meant for religious people and bursting with quotes from Bible. Haniel works within both the green and white angel light rays, which represent healing and prosperity (green) and holiness (white). One of her functions is to help heal women during their monthly cycles. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_21',612,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_22',612,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0_1');.mobile-leaderboard-2-multi-612{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Or a highly advanced Soul wants to take their empathy to the next level and volunteers to live a materially disadvantaged life. Here is the standard archangel Haniel's invocation. Maybe you have burning questions regarding a relationship Or maybe you're at a loss on how to move forward with your career or life. You can call upon Haniel by thinking her name and describing your need, or by stating a formal invocation such as: "Archangel Haniel, overseer of grace, poise, and charm, please bring your Divine energy of loving wisdom to [describe the situation]. Gemini: Archangel Zadkiel - "The Righteousness of God" archangels zodiac signs. - Crystals and crystal and gem essence healing. I humbly ask and pray with all my heart and soul and mind and might, for divine abundance made manifest through personal fortune and success. These are the most popular Archangels. Thats a signal that her angelic presence is near and probably the healing and the benefit for your soul and all other good things we already told you have already started. For example, someone in their previous one has been lending money with huge interest to poor people, pushing them deeper into poverty and despair and turning deaf ear to their cries. She works to direct people who are searching for fulfillment to God, who is the source of all joy. It was incredibly painful. Haniel can help us achieve clairvoyance by translating and guiding us in deciphering and understanding the divine messages, which areon the highest level of wisdom and consciousness (Archangel Razielis also known for helping to develop the extra sensorial gifts of God). Finally, use the Hawaiian Hooponopono Forgiveness Prayer. She can translate and intermediate all communication with heaven and celestial realms in a way humans can easily understand. Wash every cell of my body with your calming, cool, sky blue waves of energy. All because you are the money magnet now and radiate your energy forth. I also help people who are sent to me, strengthen there abilities and help them to understand and develop their intuition. . The name Haniel probably derives from Hebrew hana'ah, "joy," "pleasure" (qualities associated with Venus) + the suffix -el, "God." Haniel is one of the archangels encrypted . Free Personalized Numerology Reading By Clicking Here! The Prayer from Djwhal Khul, channeled by Joshua David Stone in 1995, helps his fellow Lightworkers to receive the Wealth, Prosperity, and Abundance they so much deserve. Now lets take a look at some tips that will be useful when connecting with Archangel Haniel: Whats more important is to have a sacred space in your home where you can stay comfortable and concentrated, away from the outside noise. Thank you. She is not afraid to dive down the murkiest and darkest layers of your psyche and get the job done. I was able to find the name of my . When I broke through my fears, and began an empowering journey to self-awareness, Haniels energy was a constant friend. This meditation is designed to help you develop a deeper relationship with Archangel Haniel. This exercise is not for the faint-hearted, it will bring a tornado of painful memories and throw you back in time. Connecting with Archangel Haniel will also clear our throat chakra, enabling clear and effective communication in every aspect of our lives. Sadhguru Everyone heard about the Dark, or Fallen Angels, their names are Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub amongst others. She reminds humans that external joy is fleeting, while the happiness that comes from within is never lost. Inspiration Divination is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and affiliated sites. Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Archangel Raphael help maintain harmony and peace. And everyone around you, basking in your energy, becomes the money magnet too. The name of this archangel in Hebrew means " Sight of God ". It is the New Age color of the Age of Aquarius that encourages us to seek spiritual knowledge. You dont need special prayer for him, just say: Archangel Sachiel, I invoke your mighty presence in my life now. You just ask the Angel for help, no need to call loud, enough to ask in your head. I believe in and welcome Miracles in my life now. I think this is what I need. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The second divine number is 222, the number 2 in triplicity. Follow your passions, find enjoyment in the now, and learn to observe your ego needs as an opportunity to transform fear into love. We've emailed you a link to your Angel Session. I also awaken years ago and since then has helped 100s of people transmute their darkness to light. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-box-4','ezslot_2',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'inspirationdivination_com-box-4','ezslot_3',192,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-192{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}And our daily life here on the planet revolves a lot around money, we like it or not. But Archangel Sachiel doesnt participate in the get rich quick schemes. I'm fascinated by numerology, astrology, and spirituality. They reach out as the cords of negative attachment from beyond and poison your life today. Seeing this turquoise light is a sign of strong connection and enlightenment. It feels so loving and nourishing, you want to stay under that Waterfall forever. You didnt have any money left till your payday. When you feel lost, ask Archangel Gabriel to fire up in front of you the shimmering Diamond Path of your Purpose on Earth. If youve become frustrated or disappointed looking for happiness and coming up short, you can turn to Haniel to develop the kind of relationship with God that will bless you with a truly enjoyable life, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. Ever since he has ascended, and now he is a very high hierarchy Angel. Invoke Archangel Mariel and feel his Divine presence when you suddenly start liking and notice the magenta color. Haniel, asJophiel,has strong female energy and a strong connection with the Moon (check our guide aboutfemale archangels). He is the patron of travellers, ensuring a safe journey. The first Angel to turn to is of course the very Angel of Money, Archangel Sachiel. The Archangel of Harmony. And he knows the way you should take to find that treasure, that pot of gold at the end. You are the luckiest and richest person on the planet! Amen, (Raise your arms up and open them, feeling the waterfall of blessings.). Archeia is the term used for their feminine aspect, or female counterpart, sometimes referred to as their Twin Flame. She is not afraid to dive down the murkiest and darkest layers of your psyche and get the job done. There are countless numbers of angels who are willing and able to help us achieve our aims and live peaceful and happy lives. My beloved subconscious mind, I hereby ask and lovingly command that you take this thought form prayer to God, along with all the mana and vital force needed and necessary to manifest and demonstrate this prayer. The angel Haniel embodies this number. "How to Recognize Archangel Haniel." You can call upon Haniel by thinking her name a describing your need, or by stating a formal invocation such as: "Archangel Haniel, overseer of grace, poise, and charm, please bring you Divine energy of loving wisdom to [describe the situation]. Develop a deeper sense of connection with 16 Archangels (including Archangel Orion) when you sign up for. Many view Archangel Haniel as the Angel of Joy, as her name translates to Joy of God. We need money to get the freedom, lifestyle, and abundance that we crave! Archangel Haniel. Archangel Haniel is an Archangel of energy, vitality, and passion for life. . Perhaps the best way to connect with Archangel Haniel is by saying a brief invocation or prayer before meditating, like this one: Archangel Haniel, please help me express myself in ways that are inspirational to others. Your Mum forgot about your school lunch, and you were so hungry! He works on dissolving the dark energy, obstructing your ways to Abundance, showing you the right path where you can acquire Wealth, expanding your Light and the Waterfall of Prosperity coming your way. I did not post this to get anyone to believe me nor to scare anyone just wanted to let humanity know that we archangels have incarnated on earth again to assist in the great shift and global awakening process ant to raise the vibrations of the you allseek inner guidance and peaceNAMASTE! If youre enjoying learning about Haniel, explore my guide to Archangel Jophiel: The Archangel of Beauty. Even if you dont know or cant remember the name of the Angel, it doesnt matter. I was having a psychotic break, but I wasn't having a psychotic break. Unlock higher levels of consciousness and raise your vibrations today. As weve mentioned above, Haniel is mentioned in the Kabbalah. Here is an invocation that you can try. But because of his past life on Earth, he can relate to and understand you so well. The turquoise ray is also said to offer strength to those who feel weak, and spiritual guidance for those who are lost. He is the Archangel of invocation, transformation. She is also known by the names Iofiel and Sophiel in some traditions. This is why the Moonstone is the most appropriate crystal to match with her aura when we are trying to connect with her. from the main 7 Archangels. How can Haniel help you connect fully to your intuition? By raising our energy to match hers, we can shed our delusions and reach spiritual enlightenment. Please guide me to be the light in all lifes situations. Archangel Raziel. Amen. Join the Black Feather Family to remain mindful and focused throughout your week. When we connect with Archangel Haniel, we experience joy, and deep spiritual fulfillment. When did you first realize you were poor? You cant attract anything good into your life if you are surrounded by a grey cloud of feeling low. You deserve answers! But now I want nothing but peace with my past. You will see that not just one, but quite a few basic instincts are intertwined closely with money. The Archangel of Harmony, An Exercise for Grounding to the Heart of the Universe, Awakening Your Sacral Chakra to Boost Creativity & Sensuality, Am I psychic? Invocation For Archangel Haniel. And no, you dont need to learn the prayer, and God forbid to muddle the words! Maybe you can help me. The waxing moon, just before the moon goes full, is the perfect time to ask for help with healing. I was like a crazy person. Archangel Mariel works with people whose Soul Star Chakra is activated to bring forward their gifts to help humanity. online course. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'inspirationdivination_com-portrait-1','ezslot_30',625,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-inspirationdivination_com-portrait-1-0');Feel something huge and transparent, entering your room now. Who is the Angel of study? To invoke Archangel Haniel, you need to focus a prayer to her, but reciting the prayer is not enough to bring her presence. I will tackle the challenges with some of your suggestions and will give a feedback. He will do everything in his Force to do that. Archangel Michael and His Invocations. But usually, everyone gets free will and a full reign with the money over their lifetime. God has given me Wealth and Riches and the Power to eat thereof. It is also an invocation to a higher power. We will start with your past lives which you dont remember. You can use the oils you use in your normal fashion during your meditation and prayer sessions. Samael, Michael, Uriel & Haniel, Raphael & Jophiel, Gabriel, and Sandalphon. When we are expressing love, we are experiencing joy! She says that Haniel "helps to instill strength, stamina, determination, and a strong sense of self with unlimited possibilities and potentials.". Walking this Path and sharing generously your brilliant gifts and talents with the World, you receive the energy back in a form of Money. I have a strong knowing that I am an incarnation of archangel haniel/Aniel Touch device users, explore by touch or with . In Gods name, I accept my Divine Heritage right now and thank thee for the timely answer to this prayer. Let Haniel help you with the 3 Rs using moon energy! (accessed March 4, 2023). Read more about the Guardian Angel in my article How to know your Guardian Angel. Crystal clear gentle water runs through your energy fields and cleanses them. Celestial Inspiration. 3. She is in charge of the erotic aspects of the earth. 3. I personally pledge myself to financial wealth in order to fulfill my group and individual service commitments. 0. archangel haniel invocation. The ways in which Angel Healing Therapy works Know how to Quiet the Mind to Listen for Angels Messages I love her so much that I ask her every morning (if I dont forget) to be with me all day. So inspiring and mind blowing. She introduced me to a loving, encouraging mentor who challenged me to break through my self-inflicted boundaries. They are the figures of fear and hatred,, Read More What are Dark, or Fallen AngelsContinue, If you are reading this there is a chance that you are an Earth Angel.

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archangel haniel invocation

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